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Chess PGN Viewer - A Free and Powerful Tool to Analyze Chess Games


Download Chess PGN Viewer: A Guide for Chess Enthusiasts

If you are a chess lover, you probably know the importance of recording and analyzing your games. Whether you want to improve your skills, learn from the masters, or share your games with others, you need a tool that can help you do that easily and efficiently. That's where chess PGN viewer comes in handy.

download chess pgn viewer

What is Chess PGN Viewer?

Chess PGN viewer is a software that allows you to view, replay, analyze, and share chess games that are stored in a standard text format called PGN (Portable Game Notation).

Definition and explanation of PGN format

PGN is a plain text format that records both the moves and related data of a chess game, such as the names of the players, the date, the result, and any comments. It was created by Steven J. Edwards in 1993, and it is supported by most chess software. It uses algebraic notation to represent the moves, and it can store one or more games in a single file. For example, here is a sample PGN file of a famous game between Capablanca and Burn in 1911:

[Event "San Sebastian"] [Site "San Sebastian"] [Date "1911.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Capablanca, Jose"] [Black "Burn, Amos"] [Result "1-0"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.d3 d6 6.c3 Be7 7.Nbd2 O-O 8.Nf1 b5 9.Bc2 d5 10.Qe2 dxe4 11.dxe4 Bc5 12.Bg5 Be6 13.Ne3 Re8 14.O-O Qe7 15.Nd5 Bxd5 16.exd5 Nb8 17.a4 b4 18.cxb4 Bxb4 19.Bxf6 Qxf6 20.Qe4 Bd6 21.Qxh7+ Kf8 22.Nh4 Qh6 23.Qxh6 gxh6 24.Nf5 h5 25.Bd1 Nd7 26.Bxh5 Nf6 27.Be2 Nxd5 28.Rfd1 Nf4 29.Bc4 Red8 30.h4 a5 31.g3 Ne6 32.Bxe6 fxe6 33.Ne3 Rdb8 34.Nc4 Ke7 35.Rac1 Ra7 36.Re1 Kf6 37.Re4 Rb4 38.g4 Ra6 39.Rc3 Bc5 40.Rf3+ Kg7 41.b3 Bd4 42.Kg2 Ra8 43.g5 Ra6 44.h5 Rxc4 45.bxc4 Rc6 46.g6 Black resigns 1-0

Benefits and uses of PGN viewer

PGN viewer is a tool that allows you to access and enjoy the vast collection of chess games that are available in PGN format. You can use it to:

  • View and replay any game in a user-friendly interface with a graphical board and notation.

  • Analyze any game with the help of a powerful chess engine that can evaluate positions, suggest moves, and show variations.

  • Share any game with others by exporting it as an image, a video, or a link.

  • Learn from the best players by studying their games, styles, strategies, and tactics.

  • Improve your own skills by reviewing your games, finding your mistakes, and learning from your opponents.

How to Download Chess PGN Viewer?

Downloading chess PGN viewer is easy and fast. You just need to follow these simple steps:

Different types of PGN viewer software

There are many PGN viewer software that you can choose from, depending on your preferences and needs. Some of the most popular ones are:





ChessBase Reader

A powerful and versatile PGN viewer that can also handle other formats, such as CBH, CBV, and CBF. It has a built-in chess engine, a database of over 1 million games, and many features for analysis and training.




A free and open-source PGN viewer that can manage large databases of games, display multiple boards, and support various chess variants. It also has a chess engine, a game annotation tool, and a game tree view.

Windows, Mac, Linux


Scid vs PC

A fork of the original Scid (Shane's Chess Information Database) project, which is a comprehensive PGN viewer that can handle huge databases, advanced searches, statistics, filters, and ratings. It also has a chess engine, a game annotation tool, and a game tree view.

Windows, Mac, Linux



A popular online chess platform that also has a web-based PGN viewer that can import and export PGN files, replay and analyze games, and share them with others. It also has a chess engine, a game annotation tool, and a game tree view.



Another popular online chess platform that also has a web-based PGN viewer that can import and export PGN files, replay and analyze games, and share them with others. It also has a chess engine, a game annotation tool, and a game tree view.


Free (with premium options)

Steps to download and install PGN viewer

Once you have decided which PGN viewer software you want to use, you can download and install it by following these general steps:

  • Go to the official website of the PGN viewer software and find the download link for your platform.

  • Click on the download link and save the file to your computer.

  • Open the file and follow the instructions to install the PGN viewer software on your computer.

  • Launch the PGN viewer software and enjoy viewing, analyzing, and sharing chess games.

How to Use Chess PGN Viewer?

Using chess PGN viewer is easy and fun. You just need to follow these simple steps:

How to open and view PGN files

To open and view PGN files, you can either:

  • Drag and drop the PGN file into the PGN viewer software window.

  • Use the File menu and select Open or Import option.

  • Browse your computer and select the PGN file you want to open.

Once you have opened the PGN file, you can view the game on a graphical board with notation. You can use the buttons or keys to navigate through the moves, or click on any move in the notation to jump to that position. You can also adjust the board size, color, and style according to your preference.

How to download chess pgn viewer for free

Best chess pgn viewer software for Windows 10

Chess pgn viewer online - analyze your games with Stockfish

Download ChessBase reader - open and play pgn files

Chess pgn viewer for Chrome - easy to use extension

Chess pgn viewer app for Android - download from Google Play

Chess pgn viewer for Mac - compatible with macOS

Chess pgn viewer for iPhone - download from App Store

Chess pgn viewer with natural language analysis

Download chess pgn viewer and editor - create and modify your own games

Chess pgn viewer with 3D board and animations

Chess pgn viewer for Linux - open source and free

Chess pgn viewer with annotations and comments

Download chess pgn viewer and database - access millions of games

Chess pgn viewer with training and puzzles

Chess pgn viewer for iPad - download from App Store

Chess pgn viewer with voice control and speech output

Download chess pgn viewer and converter - convert between different formats

Chess pgn viewer with multiple engines and settings

Chess pgn viewer for Kindle Fire - download from Amazon

Chess pgn viewer with board themes and sounds

Download chess pgn viewer and generator - create random games and positions

Chess pgn viewer with cloud storage and sync

Chess pgn viewer for Windows Phone - download from Microsoft Store

Chess pgn viewer with replay and export options

Download chess pgn viewer and manager - organize your games and collections

Chess pgn viewer with ratings and statistics

Chess pgn viewer for web browsers - no download required

Chess pgn viewer with opening explorer and book

Download chess pgn viewer and printer - print your games and diagrams

Chess pgn viewer with move list and notation

Chess pgn viewer for smart TVs - download from Samsung Store

Chess pgn viewer with hints and suggestions

Download chess pgn viewer and scanner - scan your books and magazines

Chess pgn viewer with social media integration and sharing

Chess pgn viewer for watches - download from Apple Watch Store

Chess pgn viewer with history and trivia

Download chess pgn viewer and updater - keep your software up to date

Chess pgn viewer with tournaments and live games

Chess pgn viewer for VR headsets - download from Oculus Store

How to analyze and share PGN files

To analyze and share PGN files, you can use the following features of the PGN viewer software:

  • To analyze a game, you can use the chess engine that is integrated with the PGN viewer software. You can activate the engine by clicking on a button or selecting an option from the menu. The engine will show you the evaluation score, the best move, and a list of possible variations for each position. You can also adjust the engine settings, such as the strength, depth, and time limit.

  • To share a game, you can use the export or share option from the menu or toolbar. You can export a game as an image, a video, or a link that you can send to others via email or social media. You can also customize the export settings, such as the format, quality, and size of the output.


Chess PGN viewer is a must-have tool for any chess enthusiast who wants to view, replay, analyze, and share chess games in a convenient and efficient way. It allows you to access and enjoy millions of chess games that are available in PGN format, as well as your own games. It also helps you improve your chess skills by learning from the best players and reviewing your own mistakes. Downloading chess PGN viewer is easy and fast, and using it is easy and fun. So what are you waiting for? Download chess PGN viewer today and start exploring the wonderful world of chess!


What is the difference between PGN and FEN?

PGN is a format that records both the moves and related data of a chess game, while FEN is a format that records only the position of a chess board at a given moment. FEN stands for Forsyth-Edwards Notation, and it is often used as part of a PGN file to indicate the starting position of a game.

How can I create my own PGN files?

You can create your own PGN files by using any chess software that supports PGN format. You can either enter your moves manually or play against a computer or another human player. You can also add any relevant data or comments to your game. Then you can save your game as a PGN file on your computer.

Where can I find more PGN files to download?

You can find more PGN files to download from various online sources, such as chess websites, databases, blogs, forums, magazines, books, etc. Some of these sources are free, while others may require a subscription or a payment. You can also search for specific games or players using keywords or filters.

How can I edit or modify a PGN file?

You can edit or modify a PGN file by using any text editor that can handle plain text files. You can change any data or comment in the file, as well as add or delete moves. However, you should be careful not to alter the syntax or structure of the file, as it may cause errors or corruption.

What are some tips for using chess PGN viewer effectively?Some tips for using chess PGN viewer effectively are:

  • Use the keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys to navigate and control the PGN viewer software faster and easier.

  • Use the filters or searches to find the games or positions that interest you or match your criteria.

  • Use the annotation or comment features to add your own notes or insights to the games or positions.

  • Use the training or quiz features to test your skills or knowledge on the games or positions.

  • Use the online or offline mode to access the PGN viewer software anytime and anywhere.

I hope this article has helped you understand how to download and use chess PGN viewer. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading and happy chess playing! 44f88ac181


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